Thursday 30 January 2014

Done Dusted and time for 3D Max. A beginning.

Now the idea is solid and everything is in place, its time to take my figurine idea to 3D Max and make it a proper model. There are many aspects im looking forward to like, uv wrapping, modelling a person and even lighting, however theres also plenty im dreading, to name a few ... modelling the face, and texturing everything.
But we will start with basics and build up to all that fancy complicated stuff.
Unit Setup..... i know, at this point you are all wondering why is she going on about unit setup? simple, because i forget about it so easily, and its the simplest thing to forget and one of the most common ways to mess up a project down the line. its something yo dont really notice unless its an issue, until it becomes a problem and you have a massive or minuscule figure with all the wrong measurements.
Bringing objects in from different files is difficult enough to get right, its definitely not going to be right if the figure is in inches whereas the imported object is in meters.

So Unit setup is step one! in this figurines case i set everything to metric, millimeters.
now its really time to begin.... i started this figurine a few times.... and it took quite a few trys before i got it anywhere near close.
Before i began the model, i researched modelling people/characters heavily, and noticed a pattern in the best models, they all started with the face. especially the eyes.
So i started by polymodelling the eyes.

 When i modelled it too close to my own face i just couldnt get it too look right, so i figured base it more loosely on a human face (my own) it would look more natural.

This was one of the closest i got to the final result, but then there was too many polygons and it turned too choppy or ended up with holes in it and couldnt be properly turbo smoothed. 
So i had to begin again. the face was by far one of the most difficult aspects of the model herself, and most time consuming.
....So back to the drawing board.... 

So clearly not off to a great start, but at least i was finding out ways, NOT to create the figurine. if this is how hard it is to create the face, i now hold animators in a much higher standard now, they not only have to make this face, but then make it to be able to be moved.


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