Sunday 5 January 2014

Major development

During feedback, as explained in SKETCHBOOK, I had the opportunity to give and receive feedback on my own and others work.
Which meant i had the general understanding of where everyone else was heading with this project, and i had the chance to discuss this prolonged problem i was having, actually making a character that seemed suitable that i liked.
A few designs and alternatives were discussed, my favorite, which was mentioned by a couple of people, cant remember who, but discussed in length with Ryan D during and after the feedback class. sorry for the others that discussed and suggested it, i just have a horrible memory and don't remember who exactly said it.
So the idea was, Model it on myself. after all they are my memories and it takes it that step more personal, and ontop  of all that it should be easier to obtain reference photos and would allow me to use a box referencing technique. basically a box version of the front/side views i built BLOBMAN by.

This idea, as vain as it is (and kinda feels like cheating) i love! it was as if there was a missing piece of the puzzle that i couldnt see on my own and thats why character development wasnt working. I needed to model the personal liberty like figurine, after myself.
Itll obviously be loosely based on myself, mainly down to the fact i dont want my face on a figurine.

Reference photos can be found in the upcoming post, and the sketches as usual can be found in SKETCHBOOK, showing how my character development came on leaps and bounds once i VERY loosely based it on myself....this wasnt that difficult as ive had to create characters of many shapes and sizes based on myself for animation projects. some of which you can find on my Animation corner (link in the blog description) So now we are actally getting places, finally.!


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