Sunday 5 January 2014

lights camera VEEPEES

The lights and cameras i may have under estimated. 
Shown below are a few screenshots (slightly confusing) showing my  mistakes and how i tweaked the lights and cameras to do what i want, in the end i think i had about four or five lights and at least six cameras.
This was really my first time properly using lights, so i discovered  could have coloured lights, so i created a dim purple light shining in from the outside past the bitmap of the lightening, i also found i could change the intensity, meaning not all lights had to be super bright, i had the option to have a distant dim light, almost as good as the candle flicker but still not my original intent. 
The lights were very scary to use, and i thought may times id messed the entire project up simply because there were too many or too few shadows. However after some tweaking im extremely glad i used lightening, it really added to the scene and made it that bit more realistic than the basic block all round light that 3D Max gives you at first.
Cameras i used more to find my way about almost like the rotate tool, getting from one side to the other side without the careful hassle of moving veepees about, i just jumped from one shot to the other, however i didnt use them for the renders as much as i thought i would, i found i got better renders from carefully positioning the render screen in the places i wanted. 

Working on the lighting is where i got the major interest in having a creepy Veepees shadow on the wall in at least one of my renders, so either the evil villainous shadow shown below or the full Veepees and legs on the brick wall shot you'll see in the upcoming post with my renders. I think it'll really add to the emotive design of the environment, really giving it that chill factor. 


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