Sunday 29 December 2013

3D Studio Max - A beginning

** screen shots wouldnt upload, so you'll all have to do with looking at horrible fuzzy camera photos.

I Began not with Veepees but his Environment, simply because i wanted to brush up on seriously dusty and lack of 3DMax skills, Hoping by the time im through with the Environment i will have enough skill and confidence to create Veepees properly.

So like any room, i started from the ground up.
Unlike my previous projects, measurements actually meant something, so the room (as you can see from the top view sketches posted previously) will be 6000mm x 4000mm small but adequate.
Meaning from here i can keep the furniture and objects a realistic size also.

The Floor and walls are simple planes (dont judge me, im on a time limit here) using the following bitmaps, i gave the walls and floors a more realistic look, but i didnt end there obviously, i experimented a serious amount with both bump maps and displacement maps in the material editor, a few wrong attempts you can see in the images, yes children this is what happens when you put far too much bump or displacment on a object. i gave the stoney walls and grainy floorboards proper textures, actually quite proud at how the simple technique turned out.

But before i got to the materials and textures i got the window and door holes sorted. The wall is a plane extruded to show depth,i  created a chamfer box and modified it into a triangular shape to then boolean it into the wall, its been a while since i used 3D Max so ill admit, it took a good five minutes to set up the units and actually find the boolean tool....slow but not a bad start.
I simply did the same for the door, except its triangular chamfer box is a bit wider, and about three times bigger.

Once the room was sorted i hide most of the walls, as they just obstructed my view.
I then built doors... which wasnt easy, they ended up alot thinner than id originally imagined they would, but otherwise i could see into the room from the other side of the door, thus wrecking my render plans.
I used a much paler and grimier type of wood for the doors, so they wouldnt just blend with the floor, and lets face it, whens the last time you seen a room that the furniture and floors match the doors, if anything it makes it adds a bit of interest to the room.
i had to move the texture around the door objects a bit so the texture wouldnt stretch and look unnatural.

Next is the basic furniture, and why not, theres only two pieces of furniture in this bare little box room.

I started with the table, Dimensions were more important than creating anything fancy, after all hes obsessed with his experiments, not home decorating, so the table will be big bulky durable and not linked to any specific time period.
So the table is a very basic box, i made it into an editable poly, clicked on the polygon option, selected four 3x3 polygons, whilst leaving a line of polygons all the way around the boarder, after all this will be extruded into legs, and table legs dont sit out at the edge of the table.
I extruded them all equally using the cntrl button, this saved time and effort by four.
i didnt make them straight the whole way down, i only extruded it slightly then again and on the second i scaled it inwards, giving it a stylish but still simple and crude appearance.
I then aligned it with the floor plane and did all the touch ups on dimensions.

Moving to our last piece of furniture, The bookcase!
I started this several times, always missing steps, giving me a valuable lesson in planning ahead, for example i wouldnt take into account how many segments id need, i wanted to keep it a low poly count, but certain polys were needed and occasionally missed, thus i restarted this likely about four times, i told you i was rusty.
I made a basic box, sorted the dimensions, remembering the bottom would come out more than the shelves, and the segments needed to allow me to extrude the shelves upwards, and the cupboard doors outwards and symmetrically, after all cant have one half bigger than the other or cupboard doors all diff sizes.
i extruded the three cupboard doors, slightly by pulling the icon, allowing a slant whereas i clicked the arrows when extruding the shelves so theyd be block objects.
 I extruded the shelves in two parts, allowing room for the thinner box shelves id include next for both the middle shelf and the top of the bookcase.
texturing the bookcase and the table was similar but they had different levels of glossiness etc, i assigned the materials to the objects separately, as to not stretch the textures out, this took alot f experimenting on the table, not as much on the bookcase as it was mainly vertical. the table top and legs all had to be done separately but still using the same materials.
It took a good deal of time getting it look as natural as it does, however if i had more time on this project, id have liked to spend more time on getting all the texturing in the room to a higher standard, im happy enough with the basic shapes, but material and texture wise, i wish i had allowed more time for a task that seemed so simple last year.

NOTE* ignore the objects, ill discuss them later, 


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