Friday 27 December 2013

Emotive Design, The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde

The title alone was inspiration, the word strange sums up my entire emotive design, its curious but not wrong.
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Hyde is a novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson, it focuses on a mental disorder commonly known as split personality, a disorder i want to hint on whilst creating Veepees, showing hes not all evil but clearly not the good wholesome character most would assume a childs drawing would have, showing two sides to the same coin.


The Jekyll and Hyde themes are shown alot in my previously discussed inspiration Smeagol/Gollum from the Lord of the rings, unlike most portrayals of Jekyll and Hyde the makers of the lord of the rings did this not through two similar but separate actors but through the use of poses and facial expressions, and some times even language.
Its not that i want my character to have different personalities, i want him to show different emotions and show nobody is all one thing, nobody is all bad or all good, many movies show this but im mainly focusing on Jekyll and Hyde and Smeagol and Gollum,, as they have been portrayed through more interesting and unusual techniques.

This will create both an emotive design that will scare a viewer and make them weary of Veepees but also feel for him, two very strong and contradicting emotions that i intend to envoke with my final design.
Horror and compassion in the one character is my main end goal however it will probably be very difficult, but ass i said before, no harm in over reaching and trying new things every project.


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