Saturday 28 December 2013

Developing the Environment and objects.

As you've more than likely previously just read we've now got a basic room, probably get tweaked a wee bit later, but we have the foundations of it and how it will look, meaning now we can start brainstorming whats going in the room, after all the emotive design of the room cant just be achieved with a boring box room with no furniture or objects.

Take nosey in SKETCHBOOK to see the proper brainstorming, as this is just a brief summery.

Objects i decided could would and should be in the room are the following,
-test tubes, for experiments obviously
-jars to hold potion and body parts, perhaps different shapes and sizes to make it interesting.
-books, what villain, mad scientist or even anyone with an obsession, doesn't have stacks of books on the topic..... i want different thickness and sizes, this shouldnt be too difficult with the scale tool however i will need to still create several book covers, they cant ALL be the same.
-candles, again different shape and size and maybe even have them lit, that would an amazing feature and completely create the dark dusty mood in the scene if i could actually create fire in 3D Studio Max
-extra empty needles and rags to clean them

I was also thinking what could bring my limited 3D projects together, i could maybe have the cutlery and even Blobman from first year imported and set them in jars, ive seen this ragdoll technique in tutorials, perhaps i could try have them in the scene subtly, as a personal novelty., make it more my own.

I will have to do extensive research in tutorials and experiment alot in 3D Max if i intend to create glass jars and fire properly.

scattered yet not cluttered layout of all the objects will be a major factor in the Environments design.


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