Friday 27 December 2013

Granpa and Nanna

Another example of big picture over details in a childs interpretation of something. lets begin with good old Nanna.
slippers or old lady shoes, clearly the child notices the oddities about grandparents, characteristics unique to older people that the child likely doesnt quite understand yet.
Older people shoes are quite obviously not in fashion or odd looking, i love how the child added this in, she disregarded the point to make the people look real, or even give their limbs depth, but the slippers she adds in, it just shows a childs priorities to be honest.

Short, curled/permed hair is common with old women, the fact the child has added in such obvious features to the characters i believe they are based on actual people. the childs own grandparents i dont know, but more than likely.
Small, round glasses, shows not only the old fashioned taste in glasses but also her aging eyes and short sightedness, even though she has such big bright eyes. Other signs of aging, or not as pretty and fake would be her teeth. crooked and obvious,if i choose these characters it would be extremely interesting to make the inside of Nannas mouth, the textures of the tongue and realistic crooked teeth could be a challenge.
 Features the child added in that id want to focus on would be the fat around Nannas arms and hands.
Skin textures,and blotchyness and cellulite could be the main focus of this character, yes id want her lovable sweet old and caring, giving her a warm family feeling, but i want her imperfect, loved the way she is,beaten against time,but sill happy and bright.
If i was to take on these characters, i'd want to keep all the features Robyn the original artist wanted included, as these are all extremely interesting to imagine created in 3dStudioMax.

I've noticed several creative technology students working on texturing skin and human heads, using a 4d scanner, perhaps i could research into their work and techniques and get some ideas how i could accomplish the realistic skin, or the wrinkles, or the redness in certain parts. Anatomy would also need to be a research topic, bone structures are different for elderly, and Grandpa seems rounder in the middle and has a hunch where as Nanna has a bonier frame and more flabby bits.

Grandpa kind of reminds me of the Jewish grandfather in Rugrats (shown below) so Grandpa and Nanna are quite stereotypical on paper but to this child they represented two special and unique family members. So i want to take inspiration from the stereotype of old people and grandparents but i want to consistently keep the childs original artwork as a main feature.

Grandpa looks quite relaxed, but the tie gives me the impression he was a hard worker and is still even in retirement casual yet well presented, so if i choose these characters i would like not only to focus on Robyns artwork but a history behind them as well. Grandpa for example would be a tired man with many years of long hard work behind him, yet still with that do it yourself attitude, and Nanna a loving housewife role, not because thats the stereotype of generations mentality but because grandpas and Nannas dress and tie match, meaning she even now is likely a very doting wife, buying matching clothes or even making them herself.

The hair could be challenging, since Grandpa has virtually no hair, but is still not bald, each individual strand will need made and set naturally, so will Nannas even though she has more hair, considering the age, it would be thinning,so i would want it a full head of hair but thinning so you can see her scalp.
maybe even liver spots? texturing and wrapping would need to be researched and experimented with before i make a final decision on which character to proceed with. 


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