Friday 27 December 2013

Poses Poses Poses

reminder, refer to SKETCHBOOK post for visual reference.

As you can see in SKETCHBOOK i worked on the poses quite a bit, though i had a few select poses i worked on, it took alot of decision making to finally decide on the hunched over pose, but this now means i want him to hunch over something, which has begun a while new element to his emotive design, adding passion, obsession into the mix.
All the elements so far have been quite similar, psychology wise, self harm, self modification, but now im also narrowing in on elements of the emotive design, obsession and passion are all apart of self harm and modification, so i think the pose really shows this.

the facial expression and tiny aspects of the pose make a vast difference, angles and how far over hes hunched makes a big difference.
if his arms were any higher it would be in a eureka pose, where as this way hes hiding his precious experiment/idea, not unlike Smeagol from The Lord of the rings ( shown and linked below) this gives off the dangerous appearance but also shows his vulnerability, it is very apparent he is weak of will or mind and couldn't cope if he wasn't able to continue his experiments.

The character Smeagol is actually becoming quite a big inspiration the further i look into obsession and passion over something other dont quite understand. 
Ive looked into tattoos, scarification, self harm and many other obsessions others dont quite understand or deem socially acceptable, not unlike Veepees and his dark lair and self modification. 

Wanting is a massive element in any of my Veepees emotives, its no that he wants to fit in, or that he cares about what is and isnt socially acceptable, its his wanting for what he desires and what he considers perfect, or beautiful. 
Veepees is a representation of the less looked at side of want. Society often looks at the dark side of how determined many can be with become societies version of perfect, becoming beautiful like their photoshoped celebrities, and how it can be consuming and dangerous, the same basic principles apply with Veepees but his want is a different outcome.  

Smeagol is not unlike this, his want isnt like others, and most cant understand the overwhelming desire for something so strange. This over whelming want has side effects also, a Jeckyl and Hyde effect in Smeagols case. Another piece of literature i want to use as inspiration and reference when developing Veepees emotive design as it takes a look into the darker side of the mind and how it can have consequences and even break under a certain amount of stress, strain and confusion.


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