Sunday 29 December 2013

The sad attempt at fire

Unfortunately, no matter how much time and effort i wasted, or tutorials i attempted, i could never get the fire effect, it never worked and if it did, it didnt suit.
The closest to fire i got was a long weary tutorial of particle simulation, and transforming the snow flakes to appear like fire, if the setttings are all done correctly, i followed the tutorial and got the same effect as the maker, however, like i said before, tutorials are only useful as guides. This tutorial on fire that worked, was amazing for the purpose the maker wanted, but all i wanted was a flickering flame, with an origin oit of the candle, Not a full blown fire.
I tried experimenting with this fire to make it my own, but by the time i could create the origin correctly in such a small point, the flames looked like a flame thrower, it would only work on a bigger scale, and a fast blaze, not a small flicker.
This is my biggest regret of this project. Although it wont be graded once i have all this done and handed in, along with my many other university projects (so little time) i will return to this for my own benefit and attempt to create the fire my way and in my own time.


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