Sunday 29 December 2013

What mad scientist lab doesnt have test tubes.

I very obviously followed a tutorial when creating these objects and just made my own tweaks. It was originally designed for a wine glass. i followed several tutorials but not f them gave me the effect i was looking for, this one is exactly what i was looking for, if i were to change anything, it would be to make the objects fatter so you could see the glass more.

I started with the jar as it was the biggest and easiest to create, below you can see some of the experimental versions, the final version and glass materials i just didnt think suited, they were okay, but not to the standard i wanted.

I made the jar using a line, and then lathing it, some funny versions of which you can see below, dont panic to fix this, it was just a matter of choosing the right version out of x y or z boxes.
The cup and test tube however i created using basic compound objects, like cylindercham or tube, scaled, skewed and the boolean tool, so yeah, thy are very boring and basic, i thought the material was more important than the objects considering i could only spend a substantial amount of time on one or the other, and im glad i chose the material considering its outcome.

Im not going to go through every detail in the spec, but i will the very basic process.
I created a white bitmap with a thin but obvious black gradient at the top.
Used standard, blend in material editor. made the first standard glass with a bright blue colouring.
On the other, i did the same except i used a pure white. Went on to mask, applied the bitmap i had previously created, played about with the spec etc until i was happy with it.
Applied the material to the jar, which looked like nothing at this point, just an ugly see through black, went to the modify list, and clicked on the uv map, i think, then adjusted a few of the specs in that and from there i went to render, environment. This is where it took forever to get right, after all i wasnt following the tutorial to the letter, it had to be unique, which is also why im not explaining every detail, this is just a guide to how i did it, not a how to. I made the first box a white and the second a near white, but still kinda blue, after all glass isnt really a colour and it needs a good deal of reflection.
So yeah, i suggest you look at a few tutorials and you will pick up your own style on how to make something like the glass and make it your own, after all their tutorials might work for thier object and environment but not yours, so  look around and take notes from all of them and make the material your own an not just a copy. I am a fan of tutorials, they are simple and take you step by step, but i am not a fan of relying on them, i like the knowledge from them, not so much the tutorials outcome, so if you are actually new enough to 3D Max like me, attempt not to rely on tutorials, after all, what if you want to create something some day, something big and unique and theres no tutorial for it, you'd be a lost little sheep then wouldnt you, so build your own skills no matter how pathetic they are (mines a brilliant example of pathetic) rather than just being a copy cat, itll make you less dependent as an artist.

effect tutorial but not the glass outcome i wanted, this is a good example of why you should do your own thing.

The difference in the standard is obvious, at least i think it is.

I made this all in a different file, as it was all extremely experimental and i didnt want to wreck the amount of work id already done. so this was all done in a separate file. 
Once i imported them to Veepees environment i made some copies and scattered them about like the books, some used some not, some in storage and some more test tubes than jars.... after all how many jars could Veepees need. 

To take this to another level im tempted to ragdoll effect my Blobman into one of the jars, not only incorporating my previous projects but also learning how to use the animating a ragdoll technique (next im going to do something similar with animating a cloth) It will also make the glass more obvious, not to be vain but i want to show it off, so far im quite proud of this project, and thats whats important, taking pride in your work. If you arent proud of it, dont present it, i know its nothing compared to other work you see on the internet, but to me its a major step in my 3D education. 


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